Who is 23 weeks old today?? It's baby!! Haha:) can't believe you have been out of mummy's tummy for so long my dear girl. Mummy seems to be starting to forget how it is like to have you inside me. Your actions were quite docile when you were inside mummy and for tt, mummy is very thankful :)
Judging from how huge I was, I must have felt very heavy and lethargic all the time. Mummy also can't move as freely as now, mummy can't sleep on my tummy, mummy can't bend swiftly to pick things up from the ground, mummy also can't sleep flatly on the bed due to my bad reflux... and many more!
Mummy needs to sleep on my left all the time cos it's supposedly better for you and it enhances blood circulation in mummy's body. Mummy moves and walks around like penguin cos I couldn't bend my legs due to the heavy weight. Etc etc...
Baby was so small in mummy's arms 5 months ago. Daddy could easily carry you with one arm but now you are so tall and much heavier, which is good cos you are growing!
You are active for a longer period now, you can flip front to back and back to front a lot now... giving mummy a scare cos you will appear somewhere else from where I left you. Haha! Nowadays your favourite activity is to touch your legs with your hands. Very cute! Haha!

Today is also an exciting day cos... baby eats her first solids!!! You look so cute opening your mouth waiting for the spoon to come to your mouth!! So cute lah!!
Very thankful that baby could swallow well and didn't regurgitate any food! Amazing right? Babies have been trusting their tongues forward to suckle for breastmilk, now they have to bring the food from the front of the tongue to the back of their tongue.
Something new for them to experience everyday.