Monday, 30 April 2012

SNSD twinkle:)

I love snsd! Yay to SNSD TTS's "Twinkle"!

First heard the song without the video on YouTube and i was already blown away by the first verse which I later know is sang by Taeyeon! love her versatile and impressive singing techniques!:)

The video is really cute:) can see some popular fashion statements like printed clothes designs and red lipsticks, as well as centre parted hair which is making a strong comeback this season!

Love tiffany's last hair do in the video, wish I can look as good as her with centre parting... Hai...

Taeyeon's printed jumper also caught my attention! I like how the jumper is low at the front and fitted at the waist! Very flattering! Can we find such jumper in sg??

Twinkle is definite on replay in my mind!


Yes, i told myself not to blog about job-related issues... But sadly work is the overwhelming part of my life now, so I shall pen this down for future reference.

2nd mc this practicum, does this reflect my lacksture attitude towards this job?

Please stop procrastinating clm!

This week's lesson plans and reflections r still not done and I'm already two days late from submission, reply to ct's SMS is not drafted...

And my scm still hasnt replied my SMS...
Dearest scm, please dun hate me. I'm socially awkward but I'm trying my best.

Feeling despondent and disappointed with myself tt I'm not performing better at work and im still stuck in such a mess despite being so old already.

Y no one loves me at work:(

Gotta find a way out of QLC!

Monday, 2 April 2012


You know u r old when u feel less pai seh sitting on the yellow seats in SBS buses
It rocks to be old!! *consoling self*
