Friday, 19 June 2015

Long time no write dear blog!

Lolx! What a time to be coming back to you, old blog! I'm getting married in around a month's time! Oh those jitters! 

It's now my 3rd June holidays since stepping out of NIE... Which means I'm officially bond free!! Hahaha:) Always crack this joke with my colleagues and friends, well now the joke is gladly on me! Yay I survived! 

After having so many thoughts of quitting in between these three years and even up till now, I can't believe how long I have been procrastinating. I'm really the queen of procrastination and irony, slap me. But I'm glad I pulled through... The sum of breaking the bond is simply to daunting and jaw dropping. Had to keep repeatedly asking myself whether is it worth it or not worth it... Now I guess I know the answer... 

Hit my first 200k in the bank:) I know it's no big deal for many pple, but it is to me. Cos I saved dollars and cents to reach this amount... Maybe could have reached it earlier if I didn't spend so much on clothes and crappy things!! Hahaha:):) oh dear to the shopaholic hormones in me! 

Many uncompleted things for wedding and school, bleah. Shall leave it to the next blog post when I bother to write again. 

It's nice to write for a change!! Feels so liberating and reflective at the same time... Haha! Siaox mode on liaox. Going back to watching my favourite Kang xi and playing my latest addiction... Tsum tsum!! 

Till the next time blog, xoxo