Wednesday 24 October 2012

who, what, when, where and why

hate it whenever the father needs to use the car when i need it to go for my piano lessons... now i got to postpone the lessons. i know the parents are ok with the postpone but the sense of guilt still lingers within me for a long time whenever this happens.

sigh... shall buy myself a good car when i become a full time piano teacher in the future so that the bf and i can have a vehicle of our own and dun need to worry about the availability of the car.

just watched a wongfu video and it got me thinking alot. i think this is why i like wongfu's scripts so much? the scenarios are so closely linked to our experiences and daily lifes that it is so easy to see the connection and build some rapport with the characters inside the videos...

i love wongfu, and there was one sunday afternoon i remembered keeping myself at home, watching and re-watching many wongfu videos. it wasn't a productive day but i remembered smiling, crying and laughing alot:) the videos are that good:)

somehow, im glad to have some personal time now. there are so much things going on in my life nowadays that i want to pen out... i wanna write about how i was as a child, how exams are like nowadays... how psle marking was like, and my bf's birthday which passed more than one week ago. I wan to write about how working adults are like, the characteristics of certain pple in my office and how i feel about my job now. there are just so much things going on in my mind, and i feel like penning them down so that i can better reflect on my current status.

but after watching the latest wongfu video, i have the urge to write about something more personal...

i feel like writing about the who, what, when, where and why boys throughout my 26 years of life... inspired by wongfu video "the last".


who i love was a boy from my postgraduate days...

who was the man that everyone loves. who was everyone's man. the pain in my heart is still fresh from all the wonderful memories curved out during my nie days.

who was the reason why my nie days were filled with happiness and laughter.

i love how who always rests his hand across my shoulder, how we always stood so close to each other but yet, no one seems to know how we felt about each other.

it is a kind of nostalgic love that puts a smile across my face every time i think about my nie days. i just hope, we make our feelings clear about each other even though we each belong to someone else's now. i just wan to tell him how he made me felt, and how i could turn back time just to experience all those happiness once more:)

i really love who, i really do:) can we still be close like before?


what i love was a boy i knew from the third year of my university days.

we were compatible in all ways, in terms of beliefs, faith, music and life. we were comfortable, but somehow, the spark and bond between the both of us were never so strong that we had to get together.

i will always remember the late nights spend at kbox singing with two other guy friends, of which one loved me but i couldn't reciprocate.
i will always remember the new year's eve spent at mel's place when the rest left the two of us alone to chat along the star lit pathway.

it was romantic to me, but it never happened. he is now working in vietnam, pursuing his dreams of living in a rustic and laid back life. i will miss him, but i am glad i met up with him before he left vietnam.

have a great time in vietnam my old friend:) we still owe each other a high tea session at marina bay sands:)


when i love was a boy from my university days.

when was funny and jovial, when was nice when everyone avoided me. when was the man that took care of me when i was at my lowest. when accompanied me through the darkest days of my university life.

i like when, but love? coming to think of it, maybe there was a tinge of it... but we never got together. somehow, time just passed and nothing happened. so, friends we become, and well, i still disturb him as and when i feel stressed at work. hahaha;p

best friend forever bro!:)


where i love is the one i loved the most

i knew where since the first three months of my jc days... where was the reason why i gave up my place in tjc to transfer back to tpjc, that precious slot that everyone was vying for... and i gave it up for love. it was a dumb move and it caused my academic results and future.

where was a crush, a huge crush i never got over. i would look for him across the lecture room just to get a glimpse of him, i would keep myself awake and chat with him online till the wee hours of the morning.

where is special, bcos he never left my life.
i love him alot, and now he is the one in my life:)


why i love was the boy who hurt me the most.

why was a great friend, he was the first guy i got very close to during my first year in university. he was the first guy who showed genuine interest of me and made me feel special. he was not good looking, but he had the height and that cheeky smile on his face all the time. we shared similar taste in music, namely chinese songs, he would let me listen to his mp3 for the whole day during our mass study while he studies without any entertainment.

we had that spark that never diminished and even now when we do meet, i can still sense his crush on me. but why and i never got together... he is now blissfully married to his first gf of his life, his soul mate whom he shares the same faith and beliefs. and i think that is the reason why we couldnt be together... faith....

my last

my last was where.

my last is where my heart belonged to throughout many years of my adult life.
my last is a man of charisma and suaveness, he is good looking, tall, dark and pleasant.
my last is the man that took away my heart when i was 17 and never returned my heart back to me since.

i love him alot:) and yah, he is my last in my life:)

wow, i cant believe i took 1 hour to write all these. now i wonder how long those hardcore bloggers take to craft their blog entries with all those photo editing.

well:) im glad i wrote to my heart's content and relieve my brain from these thoughts. to the who, what, when, where and why i loved, i really thank you for letting me have the feeling of loving and getting hurt, to put my heart through happiness and pain.

:) shall end off, got to get ready for the next piano lesson at 8pm. cant wait to finish the lesson and rest:) tmr is a longer day ahead... phew! jia you limin:)

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